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Annie gets a bath a Grammy's
By Jay Mebane
We're part of the extended family, living in southwestern North Carolina. I'd like to share with you a favorite family story of ours from "down under," down under Virginia that is.

My mom, Pat Pannill Mebane, was helping me by keeping my daughter Annie, then age two and a half, while a ran errands. Mom had a very special warmth and love for Annie and cherished moments when they could be together
After lots of play in the sun on the terrace of the Mebane condo in downtown High Point, NC, "Grammy," as she was called, was ready for feeding and bathing Annie.
"Banannie," she said, "let's go in for supper and a bath."
"No, thank you," was Annie's reply.
"Banannie," said Grammy, "we need to go in for supper and a bath."
"No," said Annie.
"Banannie," Grammy pleaded, "we must go in for supper and a bath right now."
Annie jumped to her feet, stuck out her lower lip, and said

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